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Your personal pitch - perfected. LifeHikes participants give a two-minute presentation on any topic, personal or professional, to showcase their personality, style, expertise and new skills.

LifeHikes eBook

Learning and development (L&D) has experienced a giant wake-up call. No longer is one way of training—the traditional way—enough. Today’s L&D prioritizes what needs to be learned and how adults…


In today's digital era, the way we learn is undergoing a seismic shift. With the global e-learning market estimated to reach a staggering $345 billion by 2025 (Smith & Johnson,…

Feedback: The Gift That Keeps Giving

Here at LifeHikes®, we say that feedback is a gift. During our professional training, we encourage everyone to not only ask for feedback on their presentations but to demand it.…

A Little Tip From Big Wilt

How can I make the not-fun parts of my job (or life) a little better? Have you ever heard Wilt Chamberlain’s bellhop story? You may know who Wilt is. Famous…

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