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Public Events

We offer in-person and virtual public events of all lengths, all over the world. Designed to expand and sharpen your skills with professionals from other companies and industries. Take charge of your learning journey for a more successful career.​

Powerfully Concise & Better Questions

The secret to more powerful and productive conversations? Talk less! Great communicators spend most of their time seeking to understand by actively listening and digging beneath the surface. In this session, you’ll learn how to read your audience and ask the right questions to drive your conversation, meeting, or presentation forward.   

08:00 am-05:00 pm
No Venue Found
The secret to more powerful and productive conversations? Talk less! Great communicators spend most of their time seeking to understand by actively listening and digging beneath the surface....

® 2023 Blue Planet Training, Inc. DBA LifeHikes. All rights reserved.
